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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Has it really been more than two years?

So much has happened in the 2+ years since I've blogged here.

Most importantly (but definitely not most recently), my hubby and I are now the mommy and daddy of the most adorable 15 week old little boy. I always knew that I wanted to have a baby someday, but kind of put it off because I never really thought we were ready financially or, really, in any way otherwise. Babies had always scared the crap out of me. I never babysat when I was younger and none of my close friends had kids yet. Example -- One of my hubby's friends and his wife had a baby around five years ago. We stopped by the wife's parents' house to visit and they were there. Since I'm a female, I automatically wanted to hold the baby, right? Not really, but I ended up with a 3 day old newborn in my arms anyway. I was extremely uncomfortable to start off and then the baby started shaking violently. I thought it was something serious like a seizure....OH MY GOD, I BROKE THIS BABY! Nope...just hiccups. But it was definitely frightening. Fast forward a few years and my younger sister and her husband have a baby boy. He's a super sweet kid and pretty much the reason why I decided to stop waiting. I had never pictured myself as an "old mom," and if I was going to avoid that, it was time to get on it. So to speak. ;)

Anyway...our Little Guy was born on June 10th after an interesting pregnancy and delivery that deserve their own stories in due time. I ran exactly twice while pregnant. I was constantly exhausted due to the strange things happening within my body and a brutal winter at the ski resort. Once winter was over and track season started, I was just too uncomfortable to run at all. Making a long story short, I ended up being induced about a week before my due date because I had severely high blood pressure found at my last OB appointment. I was put on blood pressure medication and given strict instructions to take it easy while on maternity leave. I was quite literally told that the heaviest things I was permitted to carry were my baby and a gallon of milk. Running was out of the question. Now that my BP is better and I'm allowed to be a person again, I've only been out running twice. I want to go out more, but finding the time between working and taking care of Little Guy is more difficult that I'd imagine. Add to that the fact that I hate not feeling like I used to when I run. I'm so slow and don't feel that awesome "I love this" feeling that I used to get while running. I know that it will take some time to get back there and I need to make an effort to run more. I just need more time. Unfortunately, time seems to pass by much more quickly these days. If anyone has any that they'd like to donate to me, hook a sista up!